We might as well start with my original disappointment over my Models Own order.
So I, like I'm sure a lot of other bloggers did, took full advantage of the 50% off sale code and went a bit mad on the site. (Although my £13 discounted order is nothing compared to the £120 some were spending!)
I eventually placed my order after a few failed attempts due to site issues, and waited for it to arrive.
And today it did. Obviously I hurried to open it, only to find that instead of the Buff Pink I ordered I had been sent a Snow White polish. Not impressed.
Obviously I went straight to my email and sent them a polite yet firm complaint about my disappointment.
I was actually very pleased to receive such a quick response, in which they offered to send me a replacement Buff Pink as well as asking me to post back the wrong item (the Snow White polish).
I then replied to this asking if I could get my postage refunded as sending back the polish would come at a cost to me and also enquiring as to when I could expect my new Buff Pink.
I got a reply back a short while after telling me to keep the Snow White as their apology and that my Buff Pink is on its way! Needless to say I was pleased.
So that has now been resolved and my replacement Buff Pink should be with me in a few days. (I'll be sure to make a post when it does.)
From left to right my Models Own order:
- 3in1 Base Coat, Top Coat & Gloss
- Snow White
- Nail Art Pen in Black
- Coral Reef
- Jade Stone
Now completely off the topic of Nail Polishes - My Sister got her GCSE results yesterday.
She did so well and I am soooooo unbelievably proud of her for it.
She got the grades she needed to get into her Sixth Form and to do all the subjects she wanted for A-Level.
Although now I do feel bloody old, I mean my baby sister is doing her A-Levels for crying out loud!!
Robyn -x-
Can't wait for my order to arrive.. hopefully no mistakes though! Love the colours you got, Jade Stone and Coral Reef look lovely xx